Student Climate Survey

When I am at school I feel:Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
1.I belong

2.I am safe.

3.I have fun learning.

4.I like this school.

5.This school is good.

6.I have freedom at school.

7.I have choices in what I learn.

8.My teacher treats me with respect.

9.My teacher cares about me.

10.My teacher think I will be successful.

When I am at school, I feel:Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
11.My teacher listens to my ideas.

12.My principal cares about me.

13.My teacher is a good teacher.

14.My teacher believes I can learn.

15.I am recognized for good work.

16.I am challenged by the work my teacher asks me to do.

17The work I do in class makes me think.

18I know what I am supposed to be learning in class.

19.I am a good student.

20.I can be a better student.

When I am at school, I feelStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeurtralAgreeStrongly Agree
21.Very good work is expected at my school.

22.I behave well at school.

23.Students are treated fairly by the principal.

24.Students are treated fairly by the teachers.

25.Students at my school treat each other with respect.

26.I have lots of friends.

27.Students at my school are kind.

28.I have support for learning at home.

29.My family believes I can do well in school.

30.My family wants me to do well in school.

What do you like about this school?

What do you wish were different at this school?

What do you wish I would have asked you about your school?

To facilitate learning, administrators, teachers, students as well as parents, must have a shared vision for improvement. Utilizing a shared vision model requires a collaborative focus on content, methods, preparation and assessment. Part of this process is the incorporation of student voice.  An effective curriculum offers opportunity for student empowerment socially, emotionally and academically.  Asking for input offers students control over their learning and ownership in the environment of their school. The student climate survey would be administered to the student body at the completion of the second quarter. The allows students to draw from first quarter experiences for their answers as well as it allows staff time during the third and fourth quarters to make necessary

Wong, Harry & Wong, Rosemary (2009). The First Days of School. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
Above survey modified from: Bernhardt, Victoria. Data Analysis for Comprehensive Schoolwide Improvement. Larchmont, NY" Eye on Education.  


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